Special Education

About Special Education

Goochland County Public Schools offers a variety of special education programs and related services for students with disabilities. Special education services consist of instruction and supports designed to meet the learning needs of students who struggle with learning through the general curriculum and standard methods of instruction. Programs and related services are provided for children ages 2-21 who are identified for special education services through an eligibility process. GCPS strives to provide services to students with disabilities in their least restrictive environment, which is generally the general education classroom. If you suspect that your child may have a disability, please contact the Office of Exceptional Education at 804.556.5615.

Parent and Community Involvement

The Goochland County Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meets at least four times yearly to gain input from parents about their children’s special education experiences, advocate for students with disabilities, and share information and resources that are available in the community. Topics discussed during meetings are based on parent recommendations and interest.

Our SEAC representatives are listed here. We welcome your input and feedback. To be added to our SEAC contact and mailing lists and for more information about our SEAC meetings, please email stalman@glnd.k12.va.us or call 804.556.5615.

  • 2023-2024 School Year SEAC meetings:

    • 11/01/23 - 5:30 p.m.

    • 12/06/23 - 5:30 p.m. - virtual - contact stalman@glnd.k12.va.us for link

    • 03/26/24 (Tues) - 5:30 p.m. - virtual - contact stalman@glnd.k12.va.us for link

    • 05/30/24 - 5:30 p.m. - virtual

Special Education Transition Planning & Coordination

Mrs. Sherrah Knight serves as our transition specialist for Goochland Schools. Please refer to our GCPS Transition Website for helpful resources and links to our monthly transition newsletters.

Resources for Students and Families