Student Services
Goochland County Public Schools is committed to providing varying levels of supports for students’ physical health, social-emotional well-being, behavioral needs, and overall safety.
School Health Services
School nurses conduct screenings, provide first aid, administer medication, and provide various services for students with unique health care needs. For more information about our school health services, including important school health forms, please click here.
504 Plans
Some students with disabilities, medical conditions, or impairments receive accommodations through a 504 plan. If you are interested in finding out more information about 504 plans, please call our office at 804.556.5615. Goochland's Administrative Guidelines and Procedures for Section 504 manual can be accessed here.
Resources for Homeless Students
If you are interested in finding out more information about qualifying for resources/supports under the McKinney-Vento Act, please contact our homeless liaison, Sarah Franklin-Murray, at 804.556.5622 or
Home Schooling
Home instruction or home schooling is an alternative to public school attendance. Any parent who elects to provide home instruction in lieu of school attendance must notify Goochland County Public Schools of their intent to do so. Please contact our homeschool liaison, Sarah Franklin-Murray, at 804.556.5622 or The Virginia Department of Education - Home Instruction page.
If your child is a high school student and is interested in participating in the JROTC program offered through Goochland High School, please contact the Goochland High School counseling department at 804.556.5322.
Goochland High School will be a test center for the PSAT/NMSQT on Friday, October 18 at 8:30 a.m. Goochland County homeschool students in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to register for this test. Registration is online at: and will close Monday, September 9th. This test will be online and students will use a Macbook Air provided by the school to complete the test. Registration fees are $18 and can be paid to Goochland High School via the Online School Payment system. More information can be found on the registration form.
If your student would like to sit for an AP exam, please email Dr. Stacey Rainbolt, Division Coordinator of Assessment, at no later than November 13, 2024. AP testing fees are $99 per test. Payment can be made to Goochland High School anytime before December 15, 2024. Payments should be made via the Online School Payment system (OSP). Select Online School Payments. Look for AP Non-GHS 2025 and follow the prompts. If you need an extension on the December 15, 2024 payment deadline, please email Dr. Rainbolt. Reduced fees are available for students who qualify.
Homebound Instruction
For students experiencing medical conditions which confine them to a home or health care facility, homebound instruction can be provided by Goochland County Public Schools in an effort to maintain the student’s educational progress. Our homebound forms can be accessed through this link. Please contact our homebound coordinator, Sarah Franklin-Murray, at 804.556.5622 or The Virginia Department of Education - Homebound Services page.
Foster Care
The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Fostering Connections) and the Title I, Part A provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) ensure school stability for students in foster care.
Please contact our Foster Care Liasion, Sarah Franklin-Murray, at 804.556.5622 or The Virginia Department of Education - Foster Care page.