For the third year in a row, Goochland County Public Schools earned a perfect score on Virginia’s Annual Performance Report relating to services provided to students with disabilities.
As one of only 19 school divisions throughout the Commonwealth to reach this achievement, GCPS’s perfect score recognizes the exemplary effort division teachers and staff make every day to meet the needs of students with disabilities and to remain in compliance with both state and federal laws.
“These findings are a direct result of our department's focus on improved instructional practices for students with disabilities,” Jennifer Waggener, Executive Director of Exceptional Education, said. “ I am blessed to work with such an incredibly talented team of special educators who are committed to improving student learning outcomes by holding high academic expectations, building strong relationships, and improving self-confidence and self-advocacy for students with disabilities.”
GCPS met all criteria in 13 indicators, including graduation, participation and performance in state assessments, and early childhood and secondary transitions. Additionally, GCPS met requirements relating to the rates of suspension and identification of students in specific disability categories based on race/ethnicity.
GCPS’s perfect score on the Annual Performance Report’s Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) matrix is a measure of the division’s balanced focus on improving educational results and outcomes for students with disabilities.