October is Disability History & Awareness Month! Visit the Center for Disability Leadership’s Facebook page for daily historical posts! https://bit.ly.vcucdllearnmore
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
Disability Awareness Month 2021
Learn more about the potential balanced instructional calendar that is being discussed in our community. Watch our presentation on this topic given earlier this week @GES_lions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnAUQwWQcGw
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Students at Goochland Elementary
ICYMI: We recognized our first round of ECCHO award winners at last week's School Board meeting. Congrats Rosie Holman, Beth Curfman, Tucker Smithson, Jen Kelly, The GCPS Maintenance and Mechanics Team, Sharay Fuseymore, and Jen Madding!
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
ECCHO Winners October 21
ECCHO Winners October 21
ECCHO Winners October 21
ECCHO Winners October 21
Ever been stuck in traffic on Bulldog Way? #GVABonds2021 will provide funding for improvements and parking lot expansions. Learn more at https://goochlandva.us/bonds
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
Bond Referendum 2021
This year’s School Bus Safety Week theme is Be Safe: Know the Danger Zone! Did you know you should stay at least 12 feet from a school bus, regardless of if you’re walking or driving? Find more tips on how to stay safe here: https://bit.ly/nsctips
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
School Bus Safety Week 2021
Learn more about our new Goochland Elementary School at our dedicated project website: https://www.goochlandschools.org/page/new-ges-construction-project Check back often for updates on our progress.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Help @glndschools design the new Goochland Elementary School. Take a moment to share your thoughts so we can consider your voice & ideas in our future decisions. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_GeW7cf6dkiTW9CY6DzbxvsxMWP8YWQlfr2Edt7SM1QUe7g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
New GES sign
Learn more about #GVABonds2021 at tonight's Town Hall: Salem Baptist Church, 465 Broad Street Road, live stream: https://www.goochlandva.us/1154/County-Meetings, or on Zoom: https://shorturl.at/lrEHK
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
Town Hall 10/19
Tomorrow is Unity Day! Wear orange to show that you stand against bullying. If someone you know is being bullied, follow these steps to show them your support. Want to report bullying in our community? Click this link to learn how: https://goochlandschools.org/page/safeschools-alert
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
Bullying Prevention Week 2021
Small group discussions regarding the design of the new Goochland Elementary School.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
community meeting
community meeting
community meeting
Small group discussions regarding the design of the new Goochland Elementary School.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
community meeting
community meeting
community meeting
Great turnout for @glndschools to learn more about what our community feels is important in the design of the new Goochland Elementary.
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
community meeting
Excited to welcome our community and teachers at GES this evening to learn about the design process for the NEW Goochland Elementary
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
New GES feedback
Thank you, Goochland Rotary, for your generous support of our GHS Junkyard Dogs Robotics Team!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Goochland Rotary giving check
Come out and join us for the GES Trunk or Treat!!! Buy your tickets here: https://goochlandelementarypta.memberhub.com/store
almost 3 years ago, Goochland Elementary School
GES Trunk or Treat
It’s National School Bus Safety Week! Celebrate with GCPS by learning what you can do outside of a bus to keep everyone safe! https://bit.ly/nsctips
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
School Bus Safety Week 2021
Ahoy matey! Walk the plank to the GHS Auditorium today at 2 p.m. to find the treasure that is the FINAL performance of Peter and the Starcatcher! Hook onto your tickets at https://bit.ly/ghspeter @GoochlandDrama
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Peter and the Star Catcher
Miss opening night? Fear not, young Starcatcher! Sail to the GHS Auditorium tonight at 7 p.m. for the next performance! Tickets available at https://bit.ly/ghspeter @GoochlandDrama
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Peter and the Star Catcher Crew
Peter and the Starcatcher premieres TODAY at 7 p.m.! Don’t miss the adventures of these young seafarers! Tickets for sale at https://bit.ly/ghspeter @GoochlandDrama
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Peter and the Star Catcher Crew
Knock knock! It’s the weekend! We’ve had an amazing time celebrating National School Lunch Week with you, GCPS. Students, swing by the cafeteria for a frozen treat!
almost 3 years ago, Andy Armstrong
National School Lunch Week 2021