There is a lot of excellent work happening @glndschools every day! Don't miss all of the events, updates, and special announcements! Visit Google Play or the Apple App Store to download our GCPS app today!

Off to a strong start today at Goochland Elementary!

14-0 Bulldogs at the half.

Let’s go Bulldogs!

Wow, the flowers look amazing. 🪴 C’mon out to the Annual Mum Sale tomorrow (Sat) morning at 9AM at Goochland High School. ☀️ Everything was sold by 10AM last year, so plan accordingly! Proceeds benefit the GHS FFA.

Nothing is more important than y our health. Remember to reboot and recharge at home if you're feeling low.

Goochland County Attorney Tara McGee discusses #GVABONDS2021 with our community.

Learn about choices voters will make regarding the financing for needed projects that will benefit our community, including a new GES, improvements to our middle school and high school, and increase safety on Bulldog Way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZcqyyXvWkM #GVABONDS2021

Our scholars at GES are working hard today!

If you are unable to make it to see our Bulldogs play in person, stream our home games to your phone, your tablet, your smart TV, or your computer with the NFHS Network. Learn more at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/ and sign up today.

Students at GHS are working hard on designing a shed in Mr. Greenways architectural design class.

The Goochland High School cross country team had a strong performance this evening at their first home meet of the season. 💪🏼

Ms. Cosby’s 8th grade English classes are reading “The Landlord” and experiencing a real-life tea party!

Learn more about all of the GVA yard signs you see on our school campuses and across our community. Check out our dedicated website https://www.goochlandva.us/bonds #GVABONDS2021

Visit Google Play or the Apple App Store to download our GCPS App! Events, menus, and important information about our school division all in the palm of your hand. Check it out today!

Today, Delegate Lee Ware shared a resolution adopted by the Virginia General Assembly recognizing the many years of service of Mr. William Quarles to our Goochland Community.

Hard at work this morning at Randolph!

Join us at 6:30 p.m. tonight at Goochland High School to share your thoughts and ideas about the design of our new Goochland Elementary School. We will also be discussing the upcoming bond referendum and balanced calendar concept. #GVABONDS2021

Pizza and salads and bowls, oh my! GCPS @goochland_sns is now providing free lunch to all students through June 2022! Be sure to stop by for your healthy and nutritious meal!

Great to see our Bulldogs collaborating and working together!