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Join us for upcoming conversations regarding new facilities and potential ideas to provide additional learning opportunities for students. We welcome your perspective as we strive toward continued excellence! https://www.goochlandschools.org/article/525795

Elementary parents: please be sure an adult is at your child's bus stop to meet your PK-3 child today after our 12:00 early dismissal. Thank you!

A new Goochland Elementary to replace the current 60 year old building, safety improvements to parking and traffic, new Career & Technical Education classrooms, renovations to fine arts spaces, a new auxiliary gym, a new wrestling room.....learn more at goochlandva.us/bonds

There is an accident on Route 6 near Millers Lane with traffic delays. Consider using I-64 to travel westbound instead of using Route 6.

Curbside meal distribution at GMS/GHS scheduled for today will take place tomorrow, Thursday 9/2 from 1:45-2:15

Due to the threat of severe weather, GCPS will dismiss EARLY today, Wednesday 9/1. Elementary will dismiss at 12:00, MS/HS at 1:05.

Be sure to tell your family and friends about the new GCPS app! Get instant notifications about upcoming events, access menus, contact division staff - all from your phone. Visit Google Play or the Apple App Store to download today!

We have recently received questions regarding the process for contact tracing and our instructional plan for any students who are required to quarantine as a result of being a close contact. Many questions are answered here: https://www.goochlandschools.org/article/523687

Students at GMS are starting week 2 off right! Hard at work!

Big win for our Bulldogs tonight! It felt so good having our students, families, and community back in Bulldog Stadium again!

So great to have our community together under the Friday night lights!

Let’s go Bulldogs!

Let’s go Bulldogs!

Great to have our community together for a Friday night football game! GHS band sounds great!

We have had an excellent start to our best year ever! THANK YOU to EVERY member of Team Goochland (students, employees, parents, families & community) for such a strong beginning to our year! Team Goochland continues to shine!
Dr. Raley

GMS & GHS Families: We will continue to dismiss our car riders to the back, stadium parking lot. GMS only pickups (blue tag) follow the perimeter of the lot-GHS only and GMS/GHS combined pickups (red tag) park in open spot in the parking lot. Right turn only exit onto Bulldog.

Hard at work in third grade today at Byrd Elementary! Look at all of these hands up! Love this engagement!

It's time for the Friday Night Lights! Our GHS Bulldogs open their 2021 season tonight at 7:00 p.m. at home in Bulldog Stadium against King William. Let's pack the stands tonight to cheer on our Bulldogs! Buy your tickets here: https://events.ticketspicket.com/home

Goochland Tech was full of student learning today! 🔥