Boundary adjustment

As the GCPS Elementary Boundary Adjustment process moves forward, community members will soon have draft maps to review, an opportunity to hear more about the process, and a chance to share their thoughts through a community survey.

The Elementary Boundary Adjustment Steering Committee continued their work this week with reviews of maps and other data related to school enrollment. The committee, comprised of parents, community members, and division staff, is charged with recommending a boundary adjustment map to Superintendent Jeremy Raley who will then make a recommendation to the School Board in May.

Small-group discussions resulted in four draft maps that adjusted boundaries to reduce overcrowding at Randolph and Byrd elementary schools and take advantage of additional capacity that will be available at the new Goochland Elementary School when it opens. Committee members then discussed the four draft maps, including how each impacted building utilization, neighborhoods, proximity, transportation, and student demographics. Cooperative Strategies Consultant Matt Sachs used GIS software to make additional adjustments suggested by the committee with the goal of developing two draft maps for the community to review.

Community members are encouraged to participate in a survey that will open on March 9 and close on March 23. The survey will be available online, and limited paper copies will be placed at division schools in the main offices. Links to the survey will be available on March 9 on the division’s website,, by clicking on the “Boundary Adjustment” button on the homepage.  

To gather additional input, a community meeting will be held on March 16 in the Goochland High School auditorium starting at 6 p.m. The committee’s two draft maps will be available for review and additional information will be provided to attendees.

A dedicated project website,, includes links to enrollment data, frequently asked questions, and presentations. Draft maps will also be available on the site.

The superintendent is scheduled to make his recommendation to the School Board at the May 10 regular meeting.